Thursday 24 September 2020



The year was 1954, there was a girl, her name was Alice she was around 9 years old at the time. She was an only child that lived with her Mom, Dad and her Grandma. Alice goes on a walk most days and she really enjoys it. She goes with her grandma most of the time. They go behind their house up a hill and round a corner then they are almost back home. 1 day Alice went on the walk by herself and she came back just fine, just as she usually would.

When she got back dinner was ready for her and the sun was setting. The next day she woke up and ate breakfast and had a shower, that evening she went on another walk just like she usually would but, she went alone again and today she went a different way to normal Alice went up the hill and round the corner but she didn’t go back home she went for a walk in a forest alone. She went further and further into the forest. Her parents were getting worried but they weren’t panicking yet, Alice turned around and was walking back but she realized she was going the wrong way and she didn’t know what to do. She was scared and worried that she would never see her mom and dad again and that she would never get out of the forest, the sun began to set see was getting scared she didn’t know what to do, Alice screamed “HELPPPP” no one came no one heard, her throat was dry and scratchy she hadn’t drunk water in about 3 hours she didn’t have an before she left and she bung none with her.

Her stomach rumbled, “ I'm so hungry” she said in a quiet voice. Then in the corner of her eye she saw a faint figure of a person. The figure became more and more permanent as the person became closer Alice got scared, she ran, the person didn’t run, didn’t move they just stood there. Alice stopped running then she turned around and no one was there. She thought maybe it was just a nightmare and that she should just go back to sleep and try and find home in the morning.

Back at the house her Mom and Dad couldn’t sleep they were worrying that someone had taken there child and that they could do nothing about it… the next morning they went out looking for Alice they couldn’t find any traces of her then they came across the forest she was lost in and they saw what looked to be one of her hair bands they went further into the forest and they saw the person she saw they asked him if he had send a young girl with brown hair and a yellow coat the man said “yes i've seen her she went over that way” *pointing to the right side of the forest* Alice’s Mom and Dad ran that way and there she was sitting there in the cold alone and scared.

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